New regulations are being executed to increase the number of international students.

Turkey will continue to be an attractive location for international students

In recent years, with the "Targeted International Student Project" implemented by YÖK (Higher Education Institution), the number of international students in Turkey increased exponentially from 48,000 to 180,000 in 5 years.

New regulations have been made (for this year only) to stabilize Turkey's position as an attractive location for international students even after the pandemic.

New rules have been established for late graduations

Due to high school graduation exams having been postponed to fall semester in many countries during the pandemic, and new regulationsi "only applicable for the 2020-2021 academic year fall semester", have been established for students who wish to continue their studies in Turkey:

  • Candidates can pre-register for courses, the application and registration period will be extended to December 15th, 2020.
  • After classes starti registered students can choose to partake in accelerated make-up classes.
  • Student who register at a later date will be able to start their classes in spring.
  • Student who have registered for the fall semester but are unable to attend classes due to travel measures will be able to continue their classes online during the 2020-2021 fall semester until travel bans are lifted.
  • With the exception of clinical graduate programs, international students are allowed to register with the "University Recognition Certificate" which can be obtained from YÖK in one day.

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